PT Training Session Times

Monday – Sunday

Arranged Privately To Suit Your Timetable


Alex Owen:
Sessions Charged At £35 Per Hour
Block Booking Discounts Available
(Please contact us to discuss)

Jed Stansfield:
Sessions Charged At £25 Per Hour
Group Sessions – £35 Per Hour
Block Booking Discounts Available
(Please contact us to discuss)

Personal Training At Team Savage

46&2 personal training is different to your usual (Learnt on a course or from a book) training. Its is based on years of training and competing at a world class level surrounded by the highest level of competitor and their training ideas. You will not spent most of your session warming up, cooling down and stretching. Neither will you be told continually that you are awesome whilst you complete a few body weight exercises and ultimately burn a handful of calories. We train and we train hard! The aim is health and fitness not to simply win on the scales or in the mirror because after all you can be skinny but unhealthy and unfit.

Advice can be given on nutrition and diets because regardless of what anyone says the key to abs is diet. We wont lie to you in order to make you feel better and keep your custom. We deal in reality.

One final point to note – the training is truely 1 on 1. The gym will be empty apart from you and the coach (Unless you choose to bring a training partner) no crowded gyms with on lookers.

World class training from world class athletes. Alex Owen is the head coach and his A* at A Level in sports studies by far out weighs you standard PT courses. Compliment this with years of training at the highest level and you have a recipe for success.

PT’s With Jed Stansfield
Train at the next level. Boxing and Beginners MMA coach, Jed Stansfield, delivers personalised sessions to meet your training goals whether that’s Fitness, Weight Training or MMA (including Boxing and Kickboxing). Private 1-1 sessions.

PT Sessions offered include:
  • Fitness
  • Weight Training
  • MMA & Striking which includes Kickboxing and Boxing

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PT Training Session Times

Monday – Sunday

Arranged Privately To Suit Your Timetable


Alex Owen:
Sessions Charged At £35 Per Hour
Block Booking Discounts Available
(Please contact us to discuss)

Jed Stansfield:
Sessions Charged At £25 Per Hour
Group Sessions – £35 Per Hour
Block Booking Discounts Available
(Please contact us to discuss)

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